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Kelly Hendrickse - Editor for Upstep

Kelly Hendrickse


Editing, Proofreading, Localization, Audio Description


Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Production, majoring in Screenwriting, Film Studies, and Media and Writing from the University of Cape Town


Kelly has extensive experience in English editing with a focus on localization and audio description for global markets’ content. Through this, she discovered her passion for accessible and inclusive content that spans languages and hearing or sight difficulties. Her experience and education have further developed her proofreading and research skills, which she utilizes in all her writing and editing.

Quote From Kelly Hendrickse

With her education in screenwriting, Kelly has been working on her first feature screenplay and aspires to write for TV one day.

About Upstep's Editorial Process

At Upstep, our team of expert writers delivers articles to help you treat foot conditions and maintain proper foot health. Our team of podiatrists, physiotherapists, and experienced editors fact-check content to ensure relevance and accuracy. We only source content from reputable sites and academic research institutions and, where appropriate, cite it within our articles. Our content is rigorously reviewed before publication and upon considerable updates.

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