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Korana Braun - Editor for Upstep

Korana Braun


Editing, Proofreading, SEO Copywriting, Creative Writing, Advertising, Marketing, Web Design


M.Arch. (Interior Design) from the University of Novi Sad, BA (Photography) from the University of Novi Sad


After earning her master’s degree in interior design, Korana started her writing and editing career in 2016. Since then, she has worked as a journalist, freelance writer, copywriter, and editor, creating and polishing articles, email campaigns, newsletters, press releases, web content, and more.

About Upstep's Editorial Process

At Upstep, our team of expert writers delivers articles to help you treat foot conditions and maintain proper foot health. Our team of podiatrists, physiotherapists, and experienced editors fact-check content to ensure relevance and accuracy. We only source content from reputable sites and academic research institutions and, where appropriate, cite it within our articles. Our content is rigorously reviewed before publication and upon considerable updates.

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