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5 Vitamins That Help With Plantar Fasciitis

a man in a white shirt and blue and pink suspenders
By Babafemi Adebajo
Joel Taylor
Edited by Joel Taylor

Updated September 17, 2024.

a shelf filled with jars filled with yellow and red pills

Though often not life-threatening, plantar fasciitis can be life-changing. Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the fibrous band of tissue called the plantar fascia which connects the heel to the forefoot. Heel pain is a major symptom of plantar fasciitis and must be dealt with decisively. Otherwise, it can affect your ability to perform your regular activities of daily living, reduce your QoL and affect your fitness level.

Minerals and vitamins are readily available options for improving foot health and addressing such conditions as plantar fasciitis. For example, magnesium reduces the rate of inflammation and breaks down all calcium deposits preventing the formation of heel spurs - which is common in plantar fasciitis. Thus, apart from being natural remedies, both minerals and vitamins are also effective in relieving symptoms of plantar fasciitis.

Vitamins and Minerals That Assist With Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Several vitamins are effective in remedying plantar fasciitis pain. Some of them are listed below along with their function, recommended dosage and source

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the top-rated vitamin for addressing all foot pain problems, including plantar fasciitis. It has strong anti-oxidant properties. By consuming vitamin C, any inflammation caused by plantar fasciitis will reduce. Sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, green peppers, melons, kiwis, strawberries, alfalfa sprouts, and potato skin

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is similar to calcium in its function. When it is deficient, it can lead to the formation of heel spurs, which is a common occurrence in plantar fasciitis and a major source of pain. Thus, taking enough vitamin D will prevent the formation of heel spurs, relieve foot pain and also improve muscle function.

Food sources of vitamin D include mushrooms, soy milk, oatmeal, fish (salmon sardine, canned tuna, eggs). It is also produced by the skin with exposure to the early morning sun.

3. Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is sometimes thought of as a variation of Vitamin E or a B vitamin. It is an antioxidant found in many foods and made naturally in the body. Its strong antioxidant properties will reduce inflammation.

Likewise, it is known to relieve pain symptoms including pain due to nerve damage or neuropathy. Combined, these functions make it useful in addressing plantar fasciitis.

Alpha-lipoic acid can be gotten through spinach, red meat, carrots, rice, broccoli, yams, beets, potatoes, tomatoes, yeast, Brussels sprouts, and bran.

4. Resveratrol

Resveratrol possesses anti-oxidant properties that can prevent inflammation. Asides from this, it also improves blood flow which can help speed up healing in the foot and lead to the influx of pain-relieving substances in the by.

It is found in the skin of red grapes, in red wine, peanuts and several berries. You can also take resveratrol as a supplement.

5. B Vitamins

B vitamins (especially Vitamins B-1, B-6) can cause foot pain when they are deficient. So if you have plantar fasciitis and these vitamins are deficient, it can significantly increase your pain.

Vitamin B-1 which is thiamine helps you digest carbohydrates and use fats and proteins. It also supports your immune system. It is found in pork, cereals, and yeast extracts. Vitamin B-6 called pyridoxine in addition to all these, supports the nervous system and its deficiency causes painful and burning sensations. It’s found in fish, beef liver, potatoes and meat.

Can You Rely on Only Vitamins to Heal Plantar Fasciitis?

The faster you get rid of plantar fasciitis, the better your quality of life. As such, using vitamins alone to address plantar fasciitis may not be the best approach possible. If you’ve been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, your available treatment options include rest, use of ice, exercises, use of orthotics. NSAIDs and cortisone injections may also prove quite handy when the pain is severe.

Natural remedies like vitamins and minerals may improve your foot health by assisting and speeding up your recovery. Thus, the best way to treat your plantar fasciitis is to use the vitamins with other treatment options. This way you’ll get the fastest results.

What Should You Do if You Are Not Experiencing Relief With Natural Remedies?

Natural remedies may be enough intervention for your plantar fasciitis if you catch it quite early. But if you notice no improvement in your symptoms within a month, you should see your doctor or podiatrist.

A podiatrist will probe beneath the symptoms to identify the cause of the plantar fasciitis and prescribe a treatment regimen that best addresses the condition and puts you on course for recovery. And where conservative treatment is not possible, your doctor may recommend surgery as a last resort to bring healing and relief.