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Do Insoles Help With Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain When Weightlifting?

If you have heel pain or plantar fasciitis and need some assistance in your weightlifting, read this article to find out if insoles could be the answer.

By Avik Das
Joel Taylor
Edited by Joel Taylor

Updated February 17, 2023.

Plantar fasciitis is common for athletes or regular gym-goers that happens when you put excessive strain on your heel. With the use of the right insoles, you can hopefully get rid of plantar fasciitis.

Why Do You Need Insoles For Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is characterized as heel pain that causes issues while walking, working out, or running. Insoles adjust the way your feet operate, providing great arch support and body balance to deal with plantar fasciitis.

Benefits of Weightlifting With Insoles

If you have plantar fasciitis, adding insoles to your weightlifting shoes could you some much-needed stability. They would help you keep the right posture, correct stability, and might minimize your heel pain if you insert them in your gym shoes. Therefore, you would end up having a safe and solid workout in the gym.

Final Words

Given all the benefits of insoles in treating plantar fasciitis, it is certainly worth investing. High-quality custom-made insoles can deliver the desired results.