7 Best Exercises for Overpronated Feet

Updated December 18, 2024.

Pronation is the normal inward rolling of the foot as you move from place to place. This is a normal phenomenon; however, the problem starts when you begin to overpronate or underpronate. With overpronation, the foot rolls inwards and downwards excessively, commonly as a result of flat feet.
In itself, overpronation isn’t painful. However, if it continues long enough, overpronation can reduce one's quality of life. Possible symptoms include a strain in the big toe, foot instability, tibial rotation, and posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. Here are some easy exercises you can do to strengthen your feet and reduce any negative effects of overpronation.
Best Overpronation Exercises
1. Tripod Push
2. Towel Scrunch
3. Heel Stretch
4. Calf Raise
5. Clamshells
6. Jump Squat
7. Single-Leg Deadlift
7 Best Exercises for Overpronated Feet
1. Tripod Push
Purpose: To strengthen the arch
- Using your big toe, little toe, and heel as pivots, press your foot into the ground.
- Attempt to squeeze all three points together. This will force your arch to contract.
- Hold for five to ten seconds and then release.
- Perform five to ten reps per set.
2. Towel Scrunch
Purpose: To strengthen the foot
- While seated in a chair with bare feet, spread out a towel on the floor in front of you.
- Pull the towel towards your body using your toes.
- Do five to ten repetitions per session.
3. Heel Stretch
Purpose: To stretch the Achilles tendon
- From an erect standing position, put one foot about a step in front of the other.
- Bend the front leg and push forward, putting all your weight on the front foot while ensuring your back remains straight. You’ll feel a stretch at the back of the leg.
- Hold the position for up to 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.
- Perform up to four times on each foot.
4. Calf Raise
Purpose: To strengthen the calf muscles
- While standing erect, lift both heels as high as possible off the ground.
- Hold for five seconds before lowering your feet.
- Repeat 15 to 20 times per set.
5. Clamshells
Purpose: To strengthen the side and compensate for overpronation
- While lying on your side, bend your knees and ankles together.
- Open and close your knees while keeping your ankles together, like a clamshell. You can use a resistance band around your thighs to provide extra resistance.
- Repeat ten to 15 times.
6. Jump Squat
Purpose: To strengthen the calf muscles
- With your toes turned outward, stand with your feet slightly apart.
- While keeping your spine erect, send your hips back and bend the knees until your glutes are lower than your knees.
- From the squatting position, jump up and land as softly as possible.
- Repeat up to ten times.
7. Single-Leg Deadlift
Purpose: To strengthen and tone the glutes and improve gait and balance
- While standing, shift your weight onto the left leg, leaning forward at the hips.
- Lower your left hand toward the floor and lift the right leg backward simultaneously. You’ll need to allow a micro-bend in the left knee to complete the motion.
- Return to the starting position and repeat with the alternate limb.
- Complete ten to 15 reps in a session.
Can Overpronation Be Cured With Exercises?
If caught early, exercises can be very useful in treating overpronation—both strengthening and stretching exercises are recommended. Exercises for flat feet can help strengthen the foot arch and stride, and reduce the loading of the foot associated with overpronation.
Although exercises can provide some much-needed pain relief, they are not a cure for overpronation. Pairing these exercises with the use of orthotics is a highly effective way to ensure the symptoms of overpronation do not worsen.
» Exercises aren't helping? Check out the best insoles for pronation
When Should You See a Doctor for Overpronation?
Initially, overpronation is not a problem. However, after some time, it will begin to cause unnecessary pain when walking or running. Once the symptoms get exacerbated or begin to affect your quality of life, you should consider seeing a doctor.
The doctor will take a detailed history and perform a thorough examination of your foot and analyze your gait to determine the state of the foot and appropriate intervention.
Other Treatment Options for Overpronation
To fix overpronated ankles, there are several other effective treatment options for overpronation, including:
Custom orthotics While over-the-counter insoles may work, custom insoles for flat feet are best. Your doctor or podiatrist may prescribe custom-designed rigid arch support. The arch support will realign the subtalar joint and restore proper joint positioning.
Surgery Surgery is often considered a last resort because it is complex and requires a long recovery time. The surgical approach can be a soft tissue correction, bone surgery, or the fusion of unstable joints.
Supportive shoes Shoes with proper arch support and motion control will help keep the foot aligned and stable. Be sure to avoid shoes with flexible soles.
Physical therapy This entails a combination of gait reeducation, TENS to relieve pain, and other modalities depending on the indication of the condition.
NSAIDs and ice When overpronation results in pain, using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and ice will help relieve the pain.
Bracing and taping These limit the outward rolling of the foot.
Be sure to include the aforementioned exercises in a consistent fitness routine to address overpronation. These exercises have the potential to alleviate discomfort, improve foot alignment, and enhance overall foot health. as they target key muscles and promote foot stability.