Which shoe brands have good energy dissipation for stability when walking?
Asked 3 years ago
The arches of my feet have been collapsing due to my overpronation. I am in a lot of pain every day because I have such flat feet. The pain is mostly in my knees and heels. I am looking for a pair of everyday walking shoes (for walking, shopping, driving, and other mundane activities). These shoes need to have good energy dissipation so that I feel stable and comfortable while walking. Please can someone recommend a shoe brand that offers this?
Abel Austin
Monday, July 04, 2022
Not one brand has it all when talking about good energy dissipation for stability when walking. Nonetheless, the best shoe brands that dissipate energy for stability are; Reebok, Nike, Saucony, Brooks, and New Balance. Ensure you pick a brand that offers you the right blend of firmness and cushioning at once.
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