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Is it okay to workout with sesamoiditis?

Asked 2 years ago

I don't want to halt any of my workout progress, but I also don't want to aggravate my sesamoiditis. Is it okay or should I refrain?

Peter Rost

Peter Rost

Monday, November 15, 2021

The sesamoids and the two small bones beneath the head of the first metatarsal bone and are embedded in the flexor tendons attached to the base of the big toe. They absorb pressure and allow the tendons to pull at the correct angle.

There are multiple treatments available for treatment. An accommodative pad can relieve pressure from the affected sesamoids, taping can be used to limit the amount of dorsiflexion the big toe goes through thus relieving stress on them. Use of NSAIDS, steroid injections, or surgery are also options should more conservative treatments aren't successful.

Evaluation by a sports medicine Podiatrist would be a great place to start.

Abeera Maham

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

If you have sesamoiditis, you should avoid undertaking any painful activity for the first two weeks. It is critical to remember that this sesamoiditis is caused by inflammation of the tendons surrounding the sesamoid bone, and that rest is the primary treatment.

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