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What helps with pain on the pad under the toes?

Asked 3 years ago

Often after being on my feet all day, I feel a throbbing sensation on my toes, and on the pad underneath my toes. Are there any ways for me to relieve this pain?

Hosea Machio

Friday, October 08, 2021

Throbbing pain is a sign of inflammation. Ice as you can during breaks to reduce inflammation. Gout? I have gout, sounds similar. Gout is caused by uric acid crystals accumulating in joints of the foot. Gout attacks after activity such as walking can cause throbbing pain. Metatarsal pads might help. I bought some ice slippers that work well. They help with cushioning shock when walking. Throbbing pain is a sign of inflammation. Ice as you can during breaks to reduce inflammation. Gout? I have gout, sounds similar. Gout is caused by uric acid crystals accumulating in joints of the foot. Gout attacks after activity such as walking can cause throbbing pain. Metatarsal pads might help. I bought some ice slippers that work well. They help with cushioning shock when walking.

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