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High Arches & Overpronation: Can You Have Both at the Same Time?

Although uncommon, high arches can occur with overpronation. Find out how & when this happens and what you can do to treat these conditions when they coincide.

a man in a white shirt and blue and pink suspenders
By Babafemi Adebajo
Kirsty Macdougall - Editor for Upstep
Edited by Kirsty Macdougall

Published July 28, 2022.

Depending on the height of your foot arch, you either have flat feet or a high arch.

With flat feet, overpronation occurs in the foot, placing strain on the muscles and ligaments of the feet and causing such conditions as hallux valgus and plantar fasciitis.

With high arches, the feet underpronates, leading to conditions like shin splints, calluses, and pain in the heels and balls of the feet.

However, occasionally, people with high arches may also find themselves overpronating.

Causes of Overpronation With High Arches

When people with high arches overpronate, you can be sure that the problem is not from the foot. With high arches, your foot is too rigid, so pronation from it is minimal.

However, the following can make you overpronate:

  • Leg length discrepancy When the legs are of unequal length, the lower limbs compensate kinetically, leading to gait deviations.
  • Hip tilt This occurs when the front of the hip or pelvis rotates forward, causing the spine to curve and changing the angle of the ankle joints.
  • Splayed feet This condition is where the foot is broad and turns outward, causing overpronation.

Dealing With Overpronation Caused by High Arches

When overpronation occurs with high arches, both must be treated together for results. There are several treatment options available to treat high arches and overpronation. These include: