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Can plantar fasciitis cause calf muscle pain?

Asked 3 years ago

I am suddenly experiencing a lot of pain in my calves, and I don't know if this could be due to my plantar fasciitis or not. Can it cause me to experience pain in my calves?

Blake Rodgers

Monday, October 11, 2021

Calf pain is typically caused by overly tight muscles. If those muscles are tight, the plantar fasciitis is put under too much strain. Plantar fasciitis itself does not cause calf muscle pain. Wall calf stretches and strengthening exercises can loosen muscles and relieve pain. And keep wearing your insole orthotics to correct faulty gait and reduce pressure on your plantar fascia.

Aarav Rojas

Monday, July 18, 2022

There seems to be some correlation between plantar fasciitis and calf tightness, especially in the gastrocnemius. Gentle calf stretches may reduce the tightness, but the tightness is bound to reoccur as long as the plantar fasciitis remains. The best bet is to treat both conditions together.

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