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Can I buy basketball shoes for walking?

Asked a year ago

Hey there! I'm in the market for some new walking shoes and I was wondering if basketball shoes would be a good option. I've heard that they have good support and cushioning, which is important for me since I have some foot pain. Plus, I really like the style of basketball shoes and wouldn't mind wearing them for everyday use. Would anyone recommend this or should I stick to traditional walking shoes? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Gertrude Kerr

Saturday, April 01, 2023

Basketball shoes could be effective, if they are of high enough quality, to aid you in alleviating your foot pain. However, the best option for you is to acquire a pair of orthotics to adequately support and cushion your feet while walking or engaging in other activities. Orthotics are custom made to the shape and needs of your foot and can be interchangeably used between a variety of shoes.

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